Showing posts with label USA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label USA. Show all posts

Let's Pretend Thanksgiving Party

We will be Brunei bound on thanksgiving because our friends are getting married the following Sunday. We will be in the air on thanksgiving eating "vegetarian asian" airplane food. I don't really mind missing the cooking part but I'd like to take part in the being thankful aspect and would love to rock a headress like last year when we hosted thanksgiving at our apartment in Paris.

ps design sponge has some great thanksgiving inspiration too

Election Night in Paris

It started with a rendez-vous infront of the Paris Opera house and finished with homemade pumpkin pie   and pints on the rue Daunou and a win for Obama. Good Night! 

Festival America

This weekend Vincennes held the 10th Festival America with guest writers Dave Eggars and Toni Morrison. Each year the festival includes tents full of books for sale, photo exhibits of American nature posted through out the city and this year there was a tepee! I was wearing my classic moccasin and fishtail braid weekend outfit so hilariously enough when I walked into the Tepee and sat down cross legged with Theo people started asking me questions about native culture. I almost felt like answering questions and painting faces given my unquestionably more american heritage than everywhere there and my recent family trip to Jamestown. 

NYC High Line

For our last evening in New York City (before our midnight flight back to Paris) we explored the High Line finishing in Chelsea to see Fashion Night from above. 

Killer Loft in Brooklyn

We really lucked out with our NYC lodging. Our dear friend recommended we stay in the spare room of her dear friend which is listed on air b'n'b. The place is in Dumbo (down under the manhattan bridge) and had everything we could ask for. Indoor swings, check. Hanging flower lights, check. Old piano, check. Even a pit of stuffed animal pandas, how did I forget to photograph this I know! Best of all our hosts (there are three guys living in the loft full time) couldn't be more interesting and were just putting the finishing touches on a big science themed art exhibit / dance party extravaganza which took place in the original pfizer building. They also gave us some great tips about things to do in the city, like Sleep No More...

p.s. here is the panda pit

One Week in New York

Just got back from a week in that buzzing, noisy, sleepless city where Michel and I met 4 years ago.

East Coast Road Trip

I think I've discovered the secret to travelling with babies; travel in large groups. The closer you are to being considered a convoy the better. Theo and I set out with my family for a trip from Michigan (where I grew up) to Albany, Newport, through Cape Cod up to Provincetown, past Plymoth Landing and finally into New Hampshire for my cousins stunning wedding. The saying the more the merrier rings true in most situations but counts double when travelling with a toddler. Theo not sleeping? Let Uncle John wear him out with some extreme hotel bed jumping.  Theo's shoe breaks? My father (perhaps a cobbler in a far past life) gets thread and needle from my aunt and sews it together. Dreaming of a relaxing tan on the beach? My mom and Theo collect rocks and seashells until her purse reaches load barring capacity. Prior to the trip we were all a bit weary of toddler road tripping but I would do it again in a heartbeat. There is definitely some logic to the whole living near your family theory and after a year and a half in Bali and Paris with oceans between us, it was so great to have a family vacation. 
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