Bahasa Eats

We are having a superb time discovering local food and trying out all the warungs around our villa. I enjoy cooking, but we quickly realized that grocery shopping at our local store Hardys (a huge place with everything you need to cook local, french, mexican, japanese, american) is way more expensive then walking to a local warung or the night market in sanur and eating there. In addition to being cheaper, eating out gives us a chance to practice our fledgling bahasa skills. Here is a bit of what we can say so far:

Can  I order ... please - Saya mau pesan...
I am hungry - Saya lapar
I am thirsty - Saya haus
I am full - Saya kenyang
I want to eat... -Saya mau makan...
I really like fish satay - Saya suka sekali sate ikan
I want to order one hot ginger tea please - Saya mau pesan teh jahe panas satu.
I like to try Indonesian food - Saya mau coba makanan Indonesian 
Can I order one avocado smoothie please? - Bisa saya pesan satu alpukat kocok?
Do you have a lunch special? - Apa kamu punya menu spesial makan siang?
I love spicy food - Saya suka makanan pedas

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